Monday, November 18, 2019

Not needed Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Not needed - Essay Example I played a lot of field games there too. Did everyone love sports when you were a child and supported it? We did! My brother, my friends and I loved sports; we wanted to play even when the army was firing guns and dropping bombs! But, sadly, the grownups were dead against it of course. Now, that I have children I understand why, but then I loathed them. They did not let us play outside for long, especially during the Black September period. So, the schools in Jordan did not support sports that well? No, the times were not right. My school did though. We had these sporting events where we ran, jumped and played our hearts out to win a copy of the Holy Quran or get a new water bottle and sweets. What sports were you taught at school? Besides physical education, doing exercises and all, we were allowed to sign up for private sports like volleyball, basketball etc. My father paid extra for all of us to make sure we get enough of sports and recreation, so we had access to school supplies of balls and I remember even lying to my parents to stay back after school and practice with friends. Did you want to pursue sports and if yes, were you supported? I knew I was good, my family knew it too but getting into a national team would not have been easy. I did get a lot of time to play and practice but I was never encouraged to take it up as a career. But, Jordan had a National Football Team, why did you not try out? Yes, before I was born the team was good; I have heard my father say so. But then they never qualified for any league cups for the next 3 or 4 decades. So, no one really took the team seriously. Well of course now they play much better, not like Brazil or Argentina, but much better than what they played in the... However, after this low period Jordan faced an â€Å"oil-boom† and the country progressed rapidly. Jordan witnessed rapid growth in a number of sectors both private and public. Everything seemed to get better. During this time, Wameed was in his teens and he was really athletic. He would often accompany his father to the Jordan Homenetnum sporting club. Most of the members were Jordanians while some were Armenian. Wameed and his brothers often played at the club and Wameed was particularly noticed because of his athletic built and good play. Eventually he was absorbed into the club’s soccer team. Wameed played a number of tournaments and represented the team a number of times. His family was really proud of him, especially his father. Wameed recalls how much he loved football. At first he would listen to the radios about soccer leagues around the world, and he would jump up every time a goal was made. At first he was not very sure of the teams and did not support either, soon he learnt about different teams and picked out his favorite ones. However, very soon when things returned to normal his family bought a television. Wameed would spend a lot of time watching sports, no matter he understood them or not. Many of the sports were new to him, since the official rules of games such tennis, badminton etc was not known to him, yet he enjoyed each and every single second of watching. He, also remembers, how he would often sneak in his Palestinian friends, who had never seen a television in their life and watched sports with them. Wameed was specially hooked to the television when he saw soccer matches in the television. He carefully watched each and every move of the players and tried to copy them. He practiced them in his room and tried out the moves when he was playing outside.

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